
[施術事例] 50代 臼蓋形成不全 6人の医師から手術を宣告されて


[施術事例] 50代 臼蓋形成不全 6人の医師から手術を宣告されて

保存施術+ 手術を回避






What do you think of the primary care for relieving the hip pain?
The answer to this Question would be the restoring the optimal
Range Of Motion rather than attaining the strength. But in reality,
many of the health care providers including Medical Doctors and
Physical Therapists and other expert professions will probably
advice you to train the muscles first, but what I think the most
important thing is that you need to increase the ROM, then the
strength makes up for it after all. When talking about mobility of
the hips, Especially internal and external rotation should be highly
evaluated one should recover as soon as possible.

Here comes a case study, Mrs. U around 50 year-old.
She consulted 6 surgeons, every M.D. leaving one strongly
recommended operations needed, but she visited me for
another solution to the problems. Main complaint is the pain
that gradually gets severe when passing noon, she cannot
even extend her knees straight at night.

5 minute walk per day is the maximum she can afford.
Difficulties in climbing up the stairs, putting on & off the socks
whenever she flexes the hip internally sharp pain occurs.
After two sessions in a low in Osaka, now we can see how the
conservative therapy works. She is able to move the leg
inward & outward without pain, weight transfer is good enough
in comparison to the first appearance. Even in before or after
surgical rehab, it is inevitable to reclaim your lost ROM before
building strength.

When you lose a certain period of the time that pain is easily
erased, then psychological issues mostly comes with and
make it complicated. If you have pain around hip or lumbar
area at the moment, or you've started feeling awkward
during the activities of daily life, now it's the time to see
the Physical Therapists near you.

Non-surgical management of acute & chronic hip pain,
simply get the proper joint mobility first.

ginzaplus 佐藤正裕(理学療法士)


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