
[手術後のリスク] 人工股関節と骨切り


[手術後のリスク] 人工股関節と骨切り

更新 2014年12月24日(水)
カテゴリ 股関節の保存施術
ハッシュタグ #変形性股関節症  #人工関節  #股関節の手術  #骨切り  #合併症・後遺症  #研究論文 


ref) Beard, D.J. Physiotherapy 2008

また、平均して9mmの脚長差はやむを得ず、その差に気が付くのは(自覚的脚長差)、手術後の患者さんでも手術後3ヶ月では全体の43%、12ヶ月では33%との結果です。ref) A.Konyves. The Jounal of bone and joint surgery 2005


国内から発信さるある報告では、42関節を対象に、2~12年の追跡期間の結果、平均して13mm(4~25mm)の脚長差が生じ、それに合わせ変形が生じ易くなることが述べられています。ref) Ikemura. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. 2007


English version

Leg length inequality, which is often considered to be a problem after
total hip replacement, can affect the outcome of the patient satisfaction.
Leg length inequality increased risk of dislocation, unaffected hip pain
leading the need for another surgery.
But in Japanese orthopedic settings,
these common complication following total hip arthroplasty can not
be informed precisely.
It is said because of lack of surgical technique,
positioning of the operation and the timing.
Nine hundred and eighty-seven cases of primary THA were studied
to address the clinical importance
of a leg length discrepancy following total hip arthroplasty. Another study
was undertaken to determine the effects of leg unequality on clinical outcomes
at up to 3 years follow-up.
A postoperative leg unequality of 10mm or more leads to poorer
functional results.
It does not happen a lot here in Japan, but still remains one of the
most common reasons in the U.S for litigation against the orthopedic community.
Happy holidays and best wishes to all.

ginzaplus 佐藤正裕(理学療法士)

更新 2014年12月24日(水)
カテゴリ 股関節の保存施術
ハッシュタグ #変形性股関節症  #人工関節  #股関節の手術  #骨切り  #合併症・後遺症  #研究論文 


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