
[施術事例] 40代 ヘルニア手術後 股関節の痛み

ブログ検索@施術事例 #腰痛と股関節痛

[施術事例] 40代 ヘルニア手術後 股関節の痛み

保存施術+ 手術後




Low Back Pain is one of the major medical problems. World-wide, approximately 70%
of people have it during their life time and 2-5% will have it at any given time. From an
anatomical stand point, there could be strongly suggested that the the hip joints are
closely related to the cause of arising Low Back Pain according to the latest studies.
One paper says, up to 25% of LBP patients have significant pain coming from the hip.
Another goes more than 10% of the Low Back Pain cases may be attributable to
the hip joint. When I see the patients suffering from the Low Back Pain, I never fail to
ask them for pain drawings to localize specific area the pain comes from. This way
do help decide which factors mainly involved.
A woman in her 40s has been in relentless back pain for 5 years, diagnosed
L4-5 herniation and already received the surgery before. After the operation,
she noticed the asymmetrical movement pattern appeared, the pain never went away
even worse. She has been to every health care professional including Orthopedics,
there was with no results whatsoever. Then she finally called on me.
60-mins hands on therapy was enough for relieve the pain. My impression is that
whatever happened in the surgery and the unsufficient post-rehabilitation caused
a lack of stability and her muscles were now and have been compensating with
increased tone and stiffness, which led to unknown pain.

When we talk about Low Back Pain, possible pain generator include not only the
spine but the hip joints for sure. The proposed mechanism of Low Back Pain is far
from definitive with several theories available. When you feel Low Back Pain,
I strongly recommend aggressive pursuit of alternative diagnoses in an effort to
come up with the most appropriate treatment plan.
ginzaplus 佐藤正裕(理学療法士)


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