
[施術事例] 30代 股関節鏡下手術後 腸脛靭帯移植術

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[施術事例] 30代 股関節鏡下手術後 腸脛靭帯移植術

保存施術+ 手術後





I currently see on average 5-10 new patients monthly with hip labral tears after
the surgery. Most of them have succeeded recovering from hip pain
with continuous conservative approaches, so I'm really int to the current trend
of the other Medical professionals involving for this issue. Especially in Japan,
I have seen many post-op patients who struggle with lingering side effects of
pain and ROM limitations. I do point out that most of the hip pain may be
attributed to not the intra-articular pathology but the extra-articular which
could be myofascial pain.

Over all, these patients may have more than one source of hip pain,
as well as the possibility that the true source of the pain may not be
related to the labrum at all. Lots of bland-new and high leved evidenced
based researches were just out in 2014. These are very helpful to see
some of these patients post-operatively to work on resolving the side effects.
For the patients who already undergone the operation, this will promise you
of facilitating a smoother and more efficient post-op recovery.

ginzaplus 佐藤正裕(理学療法士)


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