
[施術事例] 中学生 股関節唇損傷 テニス

ブログ検索@施術事例 #股関節唇損傷

[施術事例] 中学生 股関節唇損傷 テニス

保存施術+ 手術を回避






Natural healing process, it might not be not accepted widely around
Orthopedics. But it does happen most of the cases. I have had the
pleasure of observing many people experience similar recoveries from
hip labral tear through moderate non-surgical treatment.
I've said it countless times on my blog but it's worth saying again
I encourage you to begin now, optimizing the muscle balance and
adjusting activities of daily livings. We can not take our Japanese life style
into consideration when treating hip pain caused by labrum tear of the hip.
Your body get a lot easier to stay limber, you can only spend a couple
of months to get to run. When you encounter proper treatments,
most adhesions and structural damages can be resolved. Now a girl
15 year-old, feeling as strong as she did before she got injured.
Especially her mother is so happy with the outcomes of the non-surgical
treatment that her daughter doesn't have to go under the knife.
It is parent's responsibility for decision making. I hope her story inspire
others diagnosed labrum tears, non-surgical treatment makes them
smile not only the patient herself but the family itself.

ginzaplus 佐藤正裕(理学療法士)


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