
[English version] Conservative treatment in Osaka


[English version] Conservative treatment in Osaka

Hip Pain Treatmentin Osaka, Japan 2011
I'll be out of Tokyo in December fromThursday, the 15th through Sunday,
the 18th of Dec. I will be giving Private Session in Osaka.
Then, there is THREE more space left for clients suffering from chronic
hip pain. Hip Pain Treatment, specializing in Non-Surgical treatment of Hip Pain
by Physical Therapist.

Date : Friday, 16th Dec.16:00 p.m.
Saturday, 17th Dec.10:00 a.m. 15:30 p.m.
Location : JR Osaka Sta.0 mins on foot.
Physical Therapist : Masahiro Sato BSc
How to register : Contact Masahiro at : info@ginzaplus.com
For more info about the Hip Pain Treatment and therapist see :
I'm doing my Private Session every 3~4 month in Sendai as well.
If tried everything and yet nothing works,
Hip Pain Treatment might be able to help you with its
specialized alternative therapy approach!
Practitioner : Masahiro Sato Physical Therapist(PT) BSc
PT Masahiro Sato is a Japan trained Physical Therapist who runs ginzaplus
http://ginzaplus.com/ in Ginza, Central Tokyo, operating Hip Pain Treatment,
a well organized Non-Surgical conservative treatment. He works with a variety
of musculoskeletal conditions especially chronic hip pain, pelvic dysfunctions.

"How to walk properly"
In his clinical work, he focuses on the assessment and retraining of movement
faults. Nowadays, Hip Pain is getting more common among Japanese women and
as we know has many contributing factors one of which is provocative Walking Form.
In this Hip Pain Treatment, he uses a wide variety of exercise programs suited to the
individual patients including Manual Therapy to release the stiffness of the muscle to
increase range of motion, Muscle Reeducation to facilitatingthe ideal muscle activity
and Postual Restoration to allow injured areas of the body to heal faster and more

Proper walking form can be difined as protecting supporting structures and muscles
function most efficiently which are also the main outcomes of Hip Pain Treatment. 
Mastering a good walking technique takes some time. But with practice, it will become
second nature and will help you decrease the pain and enhance the muscle
conditioning. Control the pain.Live better.

Now let’s get it started!!


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